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Our newest issue of “The Current” chronicles the solar project and ribbon-cutting ceremony Saint Peter’s wastewater treatment facility, details the Austin Utilities power sales contract extension, and .spotlights the success of our pollinator habitat program. This edition of the Current is available here and in the Financials section of the website.


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Gifts That Do a World of Good

The hottest gifts this season are in electronics and home entertainment.  But the best gifts also cost less to operate.  ENERGY STAR® certified home electronics go beyond the latest features and functions to deliver great energy efficiency.   


ENERGY STAR certified TVs offer the most popular features and technologies – Smart TV functionality, Ultra High Definition, large screens, LED backlighting – and they're 25% more energy efficient than standard models.


An ENERGY STAR certified tablet uses 10 times less power to stream movies or video than a game console, 7 times less power than streaming to a TV, and 4 times less than streaming to a laptop.


So look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying home electronics this holiday season. Your loved ones will appreciate it!


Click here and select your utility for more ways to save energy and money.

Save Money on Your Holiday Lighting

Colorful lighting is a great way to make the inside and outside of your home festive during the holidays. And with the holidays quickly approaching, looking for simple ways to save some money can be a high priority!

This holiday season, SMMPA member utilities are once again offering their electricity customers rebates of up to $12 for each plug-in LED string or decoration of energy-efficient LED holiday lighting they purchase through the end of this year.  Select your utility here to access their rebate coupon.


LED lighting is the most energy-efficient lighting currently available. LED holiday lights use up to 90% less electricity than incandescent lighting and last up to 10 times longer. While the prices of LED lights are slightly higher than incandescents, a typical household can save up to $50 during the holiday season by using LED holiday lighting!

LED holiday lights offer other benefits as well. The environmental benefits help make our community a little greener, and LEDs are cool to the touch - which reduces the risk of fire and personal injury. And they are available in the same shapes and sizes as traditional lights.

Brighten your holidays with LED lights that save energy and money!

Is Your Home Full of Energy Vampires?

According to ENERGY STAR®, the average household spends $100 per year on vampire power in their home.  Vampire power is the electricity consumed by electronic devices while they are switched off or in standby mode.

Our guide can help you find the “vampires” in your home.  A few simple changes like making sure you unplug the charger once your phone and tablet are both fully charged is a step in the right direction.


Also, shop for products that have earned the ENERGY STAR.  They use less standby power than conventional models.  Plus, you’ll get rebates on your purchase of qualifying ENERGY STAR products through our rebate programs.

Don’t let Vampire Power take a bite out of your electric bill!  


Check out our latest edition of "The Current"

Our newest issue of “The Current” highlights the energy efficiency efforts of Ardent Mills in Lake City, spotlights the retirement of Rick Schacht and details SMMPA’s efforts to ensure reliability moves forward during the energy transition. This edition of the Current is available here and in the Financials section of the website.


If you would like to be put on the mailing list to receive Current directly (either by mail or electronically via email) please click here and provide your name and mailing or email address.

City of Austin Extends Agency Power Sales Agreement

The City of Austin, through Austin Utilities, has ensured its power supply to 2050 by extending its power sales agreement with the Agency.

“We are excited to have Austin extend its membership in SMMPA to 2050.” says SMMPA Chief Executive Officer Dave Geschwind. “SMMPA looks forward to continuing our close work with Austin, and all the Agency’s members, to provide a power supply that is reliable, affordable, and sustainable.”

When SMMPA and its members signed the original long-term power sales agreements in the 1980s, those agreements were originally set to expire in 2030. In 2009, the Agency faced the need to commit to generation and transmission projects with financing that would extend beyond the end of the original agreements. To position the Agency to make those commitments, SMMPA offered its members the opportunity to extend their power sales agreements to 2050. At that time, Austin opted to not extend the term of their agreement.

In the ensuing years, Austin Utilities evaluated their power supply options and initiated a comprehensive study on the matter in 2023. Following the conclusion of that study, both the Austin Utilities Commission and the Austin City Council voted unanimously to approve the power sales agreement extension to 2050. At its July 10th meeting, the SMMPA board also unanimously approved the extension of the agreement.

Mark Nibaur, General Manager of Austin Utilities, was pleased with the outcome of the process. “Austin Utilities conducted a thorough and lengthy review of its options and ultimately decided that extending the power sales agreement with SMMPA for our future power supply was the best long-term option for the Austin community,” Nibaur stated.