What’s Happening In Redwood Falls

Redwood Falls Public Utilities Representatives

jason halvorson

SMMPA Member Representative & Superintendent

Kari Klages

Finance Director

jerry liebl

Lead Diesel Mechanic/Operator

Keith Muetzel

SMMPA Alternate Representative & City Administrator

nancy kelly

Energy Services Representative

Contact Redwood Falls Public Utilities Team


SMMPA’s Renewable Generation

Below is a 7-day trend of the output of our renewable generation. Renewable resources currently include wind power, solar generation, landfill gas-to-electricity, and a waste-to-energy resource.

graph showing total renewable energy generation


Business Hours
(507) 616-7400

Emergency/Outage After Hours
(507) 616-7480

Street Address

333 South Washington Street
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Mailing Address

PO Box 526
Redwood Falls, MN 56283




(507) 637-2417